Monday 14 September 2015


I don't want to talk about Dr. Mustapha Ahmed. I like him as a person. Cool, calm and collected. Very demure and absolutely neat in his appearances. His shoe alone can sponsor three students through their University and beyond due to its grandeur nature. He has signed documents for me before and I really appreciated it.
However, he has failed us as a people. He should have humbly stepped down but he has refused. Unfortunately for us, he has the support from a section of the constituents whom he greases their palms in times like this. 
I have suffered a lot for my extreme show of dislike for his mis-representation of us. I remember vividly how I was entering the Dunia Cinema in Nima for a meeting and a very big woman bodily, grabbed me with both hands by the neck and stated that she will kill me just because I expressed my antipathy towards his disappointing performance. I remember the day Ali Horoya Who I respect very much, told me we all grew up in Nima and that those who were born on 'borla' are known. He was saying that to insult me through my parentage just because I stated my dislike on Facebook. I will never forget that. 
The man has really failed us. He was first mandated when I was in primary six. I completed JHS, SHS, spent three years in the Polytechnic, a year as a Service Person, two years in UPSA, a year as a Service Person again and yet there is nothing monumental worth mentioning of his stewardship.
A chunk of the constituents in their own understanding say he has never spoken on the floor of Parliament. Others say they can even count the number of times he has spoken. He hardly comes into his constituency. He comes very rare and on special occasions just like a Solar Eclipse. Some of his supporters (who support him because they have high hopes that he will help them someday) still hate me for the fact that I strongly told him in a Public forum that "he has failed us woefully in 2011" and I don't give a damn to their puffed up hatred. I remember that same day, Ali Horoya tried to respond to my statements and the gathering ended in complete altercation. 

Our elders say " When a handshake goes beyond the elbow, then it has turned into something else".
When the people of Ayawaso North vote Mustapha Ahmed again to represent them, then our naivety has turned to foolishness. In July, I met Rashid Sambo of the Ghana Muslim Academy at the Teacher's Hall in Accra and he told me this. " In Nima-Maamobi, the NDC has taken us for a ride because of our foolishness. And the only way to say this is that we are gifted fools."

Inusah Mohammed

NB: The writer is a Youth-activist and a Student of knowledge.


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