Saturday 11 October 2014


Left ajar, it gets rusted
Kept high, it becomes glinted.
Deep in the very cistern of the heart
Manifested by acts of the body, clear-cut
I long to have it running in my lungs.

Sparkling, dazzling, candling like brine.
Refinery for the soul, distillery for the faith and sublime
Uplifts a wretched soul to a level so benign
Not obtained by race, color, creed nor tribe
Rather bestowed unto a nafs by Al-Rahman the most high

He who has it is the greatest amongst you
As the Quran said “Inna Akramakum inda llaahi atkaaakum”
At-taqwa, the prophet said “fee suduurikum”
Further hinted by a hadith that is pabulum
That inna llaaha laaa yanzuru ilaa ajsaamikum
Neither suwarikum rather deep down the kullubikum
(Allah looks at the intent and not the form)

Without Taqwa, our Islam will fall and scatter
For the lack of it, Iman will sink into Nima gutter
Without Taqwa evil will enslave man
In its absence, our soul will be wan like grains of sand
Without Taqwa, the might of our deen will be undone

For its beauty Rabbi Zidnii
I crave for more laa tanqusnii
TAQWA, we need for Janna
For that is the absolute Ni’ma
Polished with Allah’s Rahma

Wa man yaqul inni swagiiru asbiruu
Hattaa akhaafu llaaha heena akbaruu
Fa inna zaaka garrahu ibleesu
Fa qalbuhu muugaffalun matmuusii
(He who says let me grow before I gain Taqwa,
has his soul taken by Shaitaan, the accursed animal)

Wa tub ilaa mawlaaka ya insaanu
Min qabli an yaa fuutaka zamaan.
(Repent unto your lord O’ slave before you are lowered into your grave
And have no one to blame on the blameless day)

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